Archive for the 'Resources' Category

Turning Skimmers into Scholars: Fundamentals for Strong Writers and Critical Readers

You’ve heard the clarion calls before: ensure reading is a daily habit. But just how important is becoming a voracious reader? Are good reading habits really so closely linked with success?

You bet! The stories are true: everyone should be reading constantly—and yes, especially over the summer. Continue reading ‘Turning Skimmers into Scholars: Fundamentals for Strong Writers and Critical Readers’

Does My ADHD Kid Need Meds? Managing ADHD with Diet

Imagine the scene: you have finished dinner and your child is about to start his homework. However, he is fidgeting, not sitting still, and cannot seem to get focused on his work. You know your child has ADHD, but his attention has waned since the afternoon. Is it possible your child’s diet is affecting his ADHD? Continue reading ‘Does My ADHD Kid Need Meds? Managing ADHD with Diet’


Starting junior, and sometimes even sophomore, year, students begin to think about colleges and college applications. One big question students ask is, should I take the SAT or the ACT? There is a lot of pressure surrounding this decision, which can make taking the test even more stressful. Don’t be intimidated by these tests. This article will highlight the main differences between the tests and serve as a good starting point for juniors and sophomores. Continue reading ‘SAT vs. ACT’

Setting Goals for the New Semester

It’s that time of year again! Classes are starting back up, and students are wondering what the new semester will bring. How much homework will I have? Will this semester be easier? There are very few who think about what they would like to accomplish this semester. Nonetheless, setting goals is an important, yet often forgotten step toward being prepared for the semester. Continue reading ‘Setting Goals for the New Semester’

Free Educational Resources

Students are seeking extra help outside of school more often these days. Tutors are just one of the many options available to students who want to excel but need a little extra boost.  In this article, Cardinal Education explores the alternatives to private tutoring.  Continue reading ‘Free Educational Resources’

Cardinal Education Featured in Parenting on the Peninsula

Cardinal Education provides a concise yet informative guide to the college admission process in the November 2011 issue of Parenting on the Peninsula. We discuss topics such as intended major, extracurricular activities, and essay writing.  Continue reading ‘Cardinal Education Featured in Parenting on the Peninsula’