Archive for July, 2012

The Cardinal Education Math Workbook for ISEE, SSAT, & HSPT Prep

Cardinal Education believes in the social value of a strong public education system and sponsors pro bono programs to bring private sector expertise to bear. However, government fiscal policies are short-changing public schools of opportunities: activities, sports, variety of classes, advanced classes, student-teacher ratios, and counseling departments. The “private school imperative” means that despite economic trends, admission to private school is becoming so competitive that it necessitates standardized testing excellence. Continue reading ‘The Cardinal Education Math Workbook for ISEE, SSAT, & HSPT Prep’

How to Avoid Summer Knowledge Loss

As the end of summer approaches, students get more and more nervous for the start of school. However, few think about the knowledge they have lost over the past weeks of sunbathing, pool parties, and trips to the mall. According to the National Summer Learning Association, “most students lose about two months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills over the summer months.” In addition, students are also prone to doing worse on standardized tests when they come back from summer break. Here are several ways to combat the knowledge backslide associated with summer vacation and start the school year with a bang! Continue reading ‘How to Avoid Summer Knowledge Loss’

Create a College Application Checklist

Summer is well underway, and whether your rising senior is busy with camps, internships, or travel, it is critical that he or she begin planning for the upcoming admissions season.  Many students will tend to procrastinate after a demanding junior year as they rightfully deserve more sleep at night.  However, those who completely put off the many time-consuming facets of a college application until fall are at a severe disadvantage.  Soon to face what should be the most demanding course load of their high school careers in conjunction with major extracurricular time commitments, seniors simply do not have time to pull together all of the components of their college applications without becoming extremely overwhelmed and stressed.  Read on for a list of application essentials that your student should work on this summer to avoid the time crunch. Continue reading ‘Create a College Application Checklist’